2023-10-31 23:20:03.311837+01 by
Dan Lyke
Hey, can anyone else running Firefox check MusicNotes.com and see if their sheet music looks all zalgo to you? I recently had a "PDFs don't render right in Firefox" closed as a cannot duplicate, but I've got two Macs here on which PDF rendering in Firefox is regularlly b0rk3d.
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#Comment Re: Hey made: 2023-11-01 00:02:55.807327+01 by:
I couldn't find any PDFs that were free to download from the site, but I can open PDFs that I have on my Mac in Firefox with no issues.
#Comment Re: Hey made: 2023-11-01 19:22:14.281506+01 by:
POP_OS! and Firefox, I get: "
Current device not fully supported
Although you can purchase using your current device, you will need to use a Mac or Windows PC to print this sheet music. Digital access to the full sheet music file is limited to Windows, Mac, iOS and Android."
#Comment Re: Hey made: 2023-11-02 18:08:00.007155+01 by:
Dan Lyke
[edit history]
When I just go look at music (just the preview pages), I get this:

#Comment Re: Hey made: 2023-11-02 20:14:51.170656+01 by:
Maybe a font issue? The preview looks fine on Firefox on Mac. I even tried on Linux (using the latest version of Firefox) and once I faked the user agent to report an "approved" browser, it came up fine.