Just making damned sure that I know
2023-12-20 20:00:04.021828+01 by
Dan Lyke
Just making damned sure that I know Google is lying to me when it can't find a match: Been seeing the complaint that
"DeviceIdHashSaltStorage: The length of the hash salt (47) is different to the length of the hash salts defined in WebKit (48)"
In my XCode console for quite a while, and, yes, very much believe that this is a WKWebView or AppKit issue.
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#Comment Re: Just making damned sure that I know made: 2023-12-21 20:50:09.288868+01 by:
[edit history]
I'm seeing it in Google now.

However... they also claim "It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search" so no accounting for
#Comment Re: Just making damned sure that I know made: 2023-12-22 15:31:12.597355+01 by:
Taking out the colon and the numbers in parens, I got as far as finding the webkit source that emits that line
(when loading device IDs). Now how a 47 salt got in with the 48s, no idea.
#Comment Re: Just making damned sure that I know made: 2023-12-22 20:57:17.49992+01 by:
Dan Lyke
Yeah, I think I've previously gotten down to that source, and had similar results. Not the only "WTF?" spew I get in the XCode console.