Flutterby™! : So I think presolar we pay roughly

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So I think presolar we pay roughly

2024-01-21 18:25:02.174483+01 by Dan Lyke 3 comments

So I think, pre-solar, we pay roughly $8.26/kW/day across our various tiers. I have accounted for roughly 100-130 watts of our house's idle load of about 230 watts. Our answering machine, main router, ONT, hub, and UPS for data consume about 30 watts, so $90/year, the house server is pulling 30-40, that might be worth finding something lower power consumption for.

Now to track down those extra hundred watts... Fridge? HVAC? Idle car charger?

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comments in descending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment Re: So I think presolar we pay roughly made: 2025-02-10 16:09:30.516573+01 by: katana


#Comment Re: So I think presolar we pay roughly made: 2024-01-22 12:27:44.732913+01 by: meuon

I'm about to hit my max EPB bill for the house evar. Probably about $250 (been watching it) and that still cheaper than my previous electric + propane usage in milder weather. The small stuff almost does not matter. I don't run servers or anything like that at home, but still a lot of electronics always on. At least 4 desk phones for example. ;)

#Comment Re: So I think presolar we pay roughly made: 2024-01-21 19:24:29.460795+01 by: Dan Lyke

For posterity, the post I just made to Facebook:

Borrowed the Sonoma Clean Power checkup kit from the library to investigate our utility bill. I have a Kill-A-Watt of my own, but their kit has a bunch of other cool stuff and is worth investigating. Looks like, averaging across all three tiers weighted per time slot, we pay roughly $.35/kWh, or $8.26 per kilowatt day. The house seems to have a base load of around 170-180 watts, I have accounted for roughly 100-130 watts of our house's idle load.

Some surprises. The security cameras are pulling less than 2.6 watts each, the newer ones (and the Telraam traffic sensor) about half that. The freakin' stove clock (and rest of the stove electronics) is drawing 3.2.

Modern USB chargers are drawing nothing (though the wireless phone chargers are drawing half a watt each at idle), but some older wall warts (powering a remote controlled USB lighting segment, and a fan) are drawing 2 watts without load.

Our answering machine, main router, ONT, hub, and UPS for data consume about 30 watts, so that's $90/year, the house server is pulling 30-40, that might be worth finding something lower power consumption for. Now to track down those extra sixty or seventy watts... Fridge? HVAC? Doesn't seem to be the idle car. Given the idle load of the stove, maybe the dishwasher and fridge?

And I'll have to do a breakdown on the house server, see whether some low power motherboard that can handle a couple of SATA drives might be worth spending a few bucks on, or if the drives themselves are the power hogs as long as the CPU isn't doing anything.

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