Not pleased with our console on the
2024-01-24 06:40:02.735477+01 by
Dan Lyke
Not pleased with our console on the work project, so I spent some time hacking on a language parser framework that lets me quickly respecify and reconfigure the grammar, and inspect the state at parse failure so I can do completion and whatnot, and...
Language stuff is fun. May have to implement these ideas in something other than Objective-C for wider distribution. Gonna have to move at least some of it over to JavaScript for UI reasons...
[ related topics:
User Interface Work, productivity and environment
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#Comment Re: Not pleased with our console on the made: 2024-01-24 15:35:19.373102+01 by:
I'm often reaching for custom parsers, grammars, compilers, and VMs to solve problems now, but...
I get held back from going really nuts because of things like auto-complete, refactoring tools, etc... when
actually writing in the language. Which then seems like I need to be writing an editor and the associated
tooling but now that's really, really nuts...
I know there're things like LSP but looks like that's only a small part of the problem.
Anyone know anything about that part of it?
#Comment Re: Not pleased with our console on the made: 2024-01-25 00:26:54.573732+01 by:
Am I the only one who still uses a text editor for programming?
#Comment Re: Not pleased with our console on the made: 2024-01-25 17:26:26.284832+01 by:
Dan Lyke
Nope. A whole lot of this coding is being done in Emacs, because I use the shit out of Emacs.
But this work is being done to support a console interaction mode for our system, because command lines are awesome.
#Comment Re: Not pleased with our console on the made: 2024-01-26 01:00:49.431989+01 by:
80% of my time is in emacs because Xcode is just so terrible