brew install imagemagick
And severa
2024-02-05 06:10:02.356652+01 by
Dan Lyke
`brew install imagemagick`
And several minutes later I see "Pouring poppler..." and... Look, I know ImageMagick has a lot of dependencies because modern image file formats are shit, but holy crap. All I wanted to do was "for a in *.jpg; do convert -geometry 50% $a.jpg `basename $a jpg`_small.jpg; done"
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: brew install imagemagickAnd severa made: 2024-02-05 15:24:02.514265+01 by:
there's probably an IM ./config for getting subsets. (although IM has always been big and twitchy).
If you're stuck in the mac ecosystem, Flying Meat's Retrobatch is a great image processor. I know the
developer, and he's a nice guy, and has been doing Mac programming back when software was expected to
be good. There's also Automator(built-in) but I've never enjoyed using it.
#Comment Re: brew install imagemagickAnd severa made: 2024-02-06 20:29:16.401101+01 by:
Dan Lyke
I did get it eventually. And this was probably Homebrew just updating everything or something.
And I know how to use Bash, trying to figure out how to use Automator to drive... who knows what, seems wrong.
(Don't get me started on Zsh or whatever it is that they keep trying to foist on me with the completely fucking broken autocomplete behavior...)