Flutterby™! : Do not buy Hisense TVs. Or Windows.

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Do not buy Hisense TVs. Or Windows.

2024-04-29 23:00:18.83101+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

priscilla @ghoulnoise: DO NOT BUY HISENSE TV'S LOL (Or at least keep them offline).

In which a person's Windows computer is gradually failing, first it started with MIDI device capabilities degrading, then Task Manager stopped working reliably, then video capture, and remote desktop, and then System Settings disappeared, and...

Then they discovered that the Hisense TV on their network was generating a random ID for UPNP discovery every few minutes, and Windows was adding it to their device list, and:

I followed the instructions. I deleted keys generated by our TV for 5 straight minutes. 5 Minutes of like 200BPM clicking. I restarted. Everything worked again. I laughed so hard I cried. I felt like I'd solved a murder. The main suspect was the PC but the culprit was the TV in the other room.

But, to be fair, that Windows was brought to a screeching halt by this is *also* a serious issue.

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