National Secruity
2000-12-29 14:50:05+00 by Larry Burton 1 comments
I'm not one of those perpetual critics of Microsoft, I actually like Windows 98 and NT when they are working, but there are some things about Microsoft
that is troubling to me. Mostly it is the reliance that I'm seeing on this company's products. is reporting that I'm not alone in my concerns. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has released a report calling the recent breech in Microsoft's network has national security implications.
"It is doubtful that the millions (sometimes billions) of lines of code required to power Microsoft's products could readily be sanitized," the CSIS report states. "With most military and government systems powered by Microsoft software and more generally reliant on [commercial, off-the-shelf systems], this recent development can pose grave national-security-related concerns," the 73-page report concludes.
It isn't the break in and possible theft of code that worries me as much as the fact that the code that so much business is dependent upon is only available to a relative handful of people that I'm not quite sure I can have confidence in their long term motives.