Flutterby™! : Windows IT go kaboom

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Windows IT go kaboom

2024-07-19 16:30:36.791598+02 by Dan Lyke 2 comments

In case you're unaware, last night there was a major Azure outage, and this morning a faulty Crowdstrike update has caused outages across the world.

The difference between security software vendors and ransomware extortionists is that security software vendors get you to pay before they destroy your systems.

RT LittleAlex @littlealex@infosec.exchange

Too funny: In 2010 McAfee caused a global IT meltdown due to a faulty update. CTO at this time was George Kurtz. Now he is CEO of #crowdstrike

Defective McAfee update causes worldwide meltdown of XP PCs

[ related topics: Humor Microsoft virus Aviation Software Engineering moron Law Current Events ]

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment Re: Windows IT go kaboom made: 2024-07-19 17:45:45.619155+02 by: Dan Lyke

RT Third spruce tree on the left @tezoatlipoca@mas.to

At #Crowdstrike right now there is a disgruntled stressed out #QA person who TOLD the #ProductOwner and #projectmanager "we haven't fully tested this week's patch yet. We're under staffed and the release train is too fast, we're falling behind." and they were told "Bah! Its fine! We have to deploy the WhizFlam feature to make our quarterly numbery line on the $money $chart go up! SHIP IT"

#Comment Re: Windows IT go kaboom made: 2024-07-19 19:35:17.955014+02 by: Dan Lyke

RT Angus McIntyre @angusm@mastodon.social

CROWDSTRIKE CEO: ... And our goal is to make CrowdStrike a household name by the end of 2024!

CROWDSTRIKE CTO: Yeah, about that …

MEETING NOTE TAKER: I'll just write “achieved Q4 goals ahead of schedule,” OK?
#CrowdStrike #BSOD

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