SMS spam via network injection
2024-08-12 20:08:07.662806+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Google: Keeping your Android device safe from text message fraud, in which we learn that cell site simulators (usually driven around, or carried around in a backpack) are being used to send SMS spam.
The method is straightforward and replicates known techniques to trick mobile devices to an attacker-controlled 2G network. SMS Blasters expose a fake LTE or 5G network which executes a single function: downgrading the user’s connection to a legacy 2G protocol. The same device also exposes a fake 2G network, which lures all the devices to connect to it. At this point, attackers abuse the well known lack of mutual authentication in 2G and force connections to be unencrypted, which enables a complete Person-in-the-Middle (PitM) position to inject SMS payloads.