2024-08-14 17:34:35.710296+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Today I learned about Codeberg, "... a collaboration platform providing Git hosting and services for free and open source software, content and projects".
And I also learned that back on April Fools day they advertised themselves as "Github but for lesbians", adding
Also, the tagline is an April Fools' joke. Codeberg welcomes all LGBTQIA* folk, but doesn't offer any additional features yet.
Referencing XKCD 624: Branding.
Unrelated and yet also related, the Vagina Museum informed us that
9th century Arab physicians believed that lesbianism was caused by the labia being too hot, but this heat could be relieved by rubbing them against another woman's vulva. Al-Kindi explained: "When friction and orgasm take place, the heat turns into coldness because the liquid that a woman ejaculates in lesbian intercourse is cold whereas the same liquid that results from sexual union with men is hot."
Which strongly suggests that medicine has gone backwards.