D Street Feedback
2024-09-05 21:30:42.722215+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Feedback sent to the city on the D St restriping:
I am *loving* the new design. When I'm walking to and from work, it's way more comfortable to cross D Street. When I'm biking, D Street is now an option.
The only two suggestions I'd make are:
- maybe, in the places where the parking coexists with the bike lane, to put the parking outside of the bike lane. This will both better protect the bike lane, and make the weird jogs a little less intrusive when riding it.
- from the dynamic speed sign, it's clear that the current traffic calming measures don't go nearly far enough in restricting automobile speeds southbound. Maybe when the permanent changes go in there can be some concrete and other additions rather than just paint to help bring drivers under control.