Flutterby™! : Weekend

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2024-09-09 19:18:53.203986+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Friday we went up to Sacramento, plugged the car into an L2 charger in a garage in old town Sacramento, wandered through the heat towards downtown, eventually found Capital Books, came back via a snack at Salud restaurant on Cesar Chavez plaza, to discover that the L2 charger was running about 3kW. Sigh. Anyway, fun party that evening, danced 'til I couldn't see straight at Sactown Stomp, hosted by Capital City Squares. First time seeing so many of those folks since COVID started, some bumps 'cause this was an attempt to reboot Stumptown Stomp in a new venue (that wasn't as walkable as Guerneville, both from geography and heat) and carpet in one of the dance venues.

Sunday we went up to Grass Valley on Sunday, saw those kids, but/and... trying to keep to L2 charging, in the afternoon we parked the car up at the campus, hung out at the koi pond, and walked down to Briarpatch Co-op to refill water and use the bathroom and stuff. So we bought a container of gelato and sat in the AC and I noticed that there, in the community ownership locally grown whatever and so forth (with, let's be fair, prices to match)... that it was a Unilever brand.

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