Left Mouse Buttock
2024-09-23 17:32:22.172357+02 by
Dan Lyke
RT Sophie 🎲🧩🏳️⚧️ @Sophie@dice.camp
Ok so here’s something everyone should be aware of:
Computer mice are facing you.
The wire is the mouse’s tail, right?
That means those things you push down on aren’t buttons,
they’re buttocks.
LMB= Left Mouse Buttock
RMB = Right Mouse Buttock
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Left Mouse Buttock made: 2024-09-23 18:04:57.226787+02 by:
don't forget the scroll wheel / middle mouse button!
#Comment Re: Left Mouse Buttock made: 2024-09-24 05:05:31.220252+02 by:
Dan Lyke
I... uh... was trying to.
(Though I do remember when laptops had a little nubbin you could frob to move the cursor...)