Further Rust learning got to the point
2024-12-27 18:15:02.416199+01 by
Dan Lyke
Further Rust learning, got to the point where I'm realizing my data structures need to be circular, and I'm learning about Rc, and... wow I hope the payoff for this is good.
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#Comment Re: Further Rust learning got to the point made: 2024-12-27 00:35:44.061384+01 by:
Ownership in such a data structure is difficult for Rust to prove, so hope you learn to love having unsafe
all over your code.
#Comment Re: Further Rust learning got to the point made: 2024-12-28 02:03:12.869167+01 by:
Dan Lyke
I'm losing faith in this language. It's beginning to feel a lot like those experiments where someone says "I have this fantastic new way to represent the data...", and then, time after time, there are little tweaks because that fantastic new way sucks, and eventually you're back to the old way, but with a lot of bullshit to sort through.