MAGA broke heterosexuality
2024-12-29 22:53:09.723646+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
In response to Amanda Marcotte linking to Tradwives, incels and cat ladies: The year MAGA broke heterosexuality, GhostOnTheHalfShell wrote
Sociopaths like Nick Fuentes or Jordan Peterson first tell boys to become monsters, and to be repellent, and then tell them they should be angry that nobody wants to be around them.
And I think the creepiest and saddest thing about this that even if they get sex, they’ll never be well laid by their own acts.
In a recent Fediverse exchange about some fash indoctrination nofap YouTube video, agatha wrote
re: masturbation
@dysfun @kescher @danlyke “i could’ve done something more productive with my time, like nothing…”
And... I think this is related to that whole Elf Sternberg thing about how straight men resent sex, and ties in to how the traditional masculinity roles have become so perversely awful that nobody really wants to perform them, the people who do are so desperate to fit in, and so susceptible to being told to get in line, that they think "if only I do more of this" when it doesn't work for them.