Homeless policy
2024-12-29 23:03:02.794361+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Governing: Criminalizing Homelessness Can Lead to More Crime, talking about policy in the wake of the Grants Pass decision:
Criminalization policies also bear a significant financial cost. The cyclical churn between homelessness, shelter and incarceration is estimated to cost taxpayers $83,000 per individual annually — far more than providing treatment and housing. A study of Seminole County, Fla., found that the annual cost of repeatedly arresting 33 frequently homeless people is roughly $171,225 per person. In New York City, the daily cost for supportive housing is $48 per person, compared to $1,414 for incarceration and $3,609 for hospitalization.
Just because you can arrest the homeless, doesn't mean you should...