The Talented Mr Altman
2025-01-06 19:55:37.145613+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Tara turned me on to The Talented Mr Altman from Ed Zitron's podcast Better Offline (YouTube video), and it's kind of astounding how much society has just accepted that "bag culture", as in "yeah, it's all a scam, just make sure you're not the one left holding the bag" has become normalized.
Like crypto opened the gates to "yeah, it's a scam, and it's gonna collapse, but if you don't get in...", and now it's companies selling fusion power, or, of course, AI, and whatever else, and everyone's just like "yep, but can you pass the bag?"
And, of course, the banks who've been lending huge sums are gonna, once again, call for bailouts, and we're once again gonna have to pony up national debt to pay off those who enabled the scammers, and the scammers are gonna continue to have an outsized influence on policy...
The "good" news is that maybe when this all comes tumbling down we'll have excess electrical capacity and can shut down all of the fossil fuel excess capacity that's spinning up. But we're gonna have a shitload of empty data centers.