Watch Duty plug
2025-01-09 20:44:40.923339+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
In light of the LA area fires: If you are not yet aware that you live in fire country (it's coming, it's just a matter of probability), you may not be familiar with Watch Duty. Watch Duty is an app and web site that stemmed out of the 2022 organizing to capture an arsonist in the Russian River area. It's run by a 501c3 non-profit, and the app is invaluable for the latest info on fires, and the organization is worthy of membership/recurring donation.
And you can set up alerts for counties, so you can know when you need to worry about that smoke...
And if you don't know about that 2022 organizing, the "Manhunt on Bohemian Highway" episode of the Nocturne podcast (mentioned previously) is well worth a listen.