Trying to understand a complex codebase
2025-01-28 01:25:02.86558+01 by
Dan Lyke
Trying to understand a complex codebase that makes extensive use of XCode's "Package Dependencies", and all of a sudden we're back to find and grep to try to figure out WTF.
Also, love (as in "hate") that XCode 16 won't compile code that XCode 15 will.
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Trying to understand a complex codebase made: 2025-01-29 00:35:13.901085+01 by:
Mars Saxman
These experiences you relate give me a sense of peace about my decision to abandon that platform, eight-ish years ago, after it had been my home for thirty years. Linux never pisses me off like this. I'm sorry you're suffering, but selfishly glad you're talking about it.
#Comment Re: Trying to understand a complex codebase made: 2025-01-29 00:47:29.436802+01 by:
Dan Lyke
Current job is going through some upheavals, and I've been keeping my eyes open for other possibilities, just to know what's out there, and every time something Apple related comes through I'm having a "wait, is that really a direction I want to go?" moment.