Flutterby™! : Maybe mechanical door latches are a good idea?

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Maybe mechanical door latches are a good idea?

2025-03-12 16:39:10.992978+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Testimony Reveals Doors Would Not Open on Cybertruck That Caught Fire in Piedmont, Killing Three

Roirdan said that when he approached the burning vehicle, and tried to open the doors, they would not open. He said he “pulled for a few seconds, but nothing budged at all.” He also said “I then tried the button on the windshield of [survivor Jordan Miller’s] door, then [victim Krysta Tsukahara’s] door.”

He said he then pounded the windows with his fists, which did not work, and then struck the windows with a thick tree branch around a dozen times until he was able to crack and dislodge a passenger-side window. That was how he was able to pull Jordan Miller out of the vehicle.

Subscriber only: East Bay Times: Witness who rescued teenager recounted details of fatal Piedmont Cybertruck crash to authorities

Via, which also links to this incident with one of the other models in which 4 people were killed:

Harper told CBC News and the Toronto Star that when he came upon the crash, there were others already gathered outside the vehicle who were pounding at the back passenger window as they couldn’t open the doors. He recalled to CBC News, "Then somebody was yelling, 'You got a bar? You got a bar? Somebody's in there.' "

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