Winer on Workflow
2001-02-25 15:43:17+00 by Dan Lyke 4 comments
Leo once recounted a meeting with Disney execs when he was producering Toy Story Animated StoryBook. There was a suggestion made, a suggestion that everyone thought was really compelling and would improve the product, and one of the Disney guys said "but that's not something our company does". And it was important because it showed just how clearly the Disney corporate culture is distinct, and the employees are aware that the value of Disney the trademark is that corporate culture. There's a reason they fired Harlan Ellison. This morning Dave Winer talks about workflow, and why his system doesn't implement it. I like his reasons, but I think about the checks and balances Leo talked about Disney implementing and I realize that those things exist for a reason, and there are times when I wish I had an editor even for Flutterby.