A few quotes
2001-03-06 00:40:46+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
I'm reading Passionate Minds: Women Rewriting the World by Claudia Roth
Pierpont, an interesting, if often harsh, look at 12 female writers who've made
a difference, from Margaret Mitchell to Ayn Rand. A few quotes that spoke to me,
on the topic of marriage:
"She alone, out of an enormous and dull catalogue of heroines, does not get married at the end of the film, does not die, does not take the road to exile, does not gaze sadly at her declining youth in a silver framed mirror in the worst possible taste, and she alone does not experience the bitterness of the abandoned 'older woman.'"
--- Colette, writing in 1938 on Mae West"Reader, my story ends with freedom; not in the usual way, with marriage."
Harriet Jacobs