Dueling domains
2001-03-10 20:07:31+00 by
Dan Lyke
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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:17+00 by:
Conflicts? Gee, who would have guessed?
How could there not be conflicts when new.net is trying to grab names that have already been grabbed by other rogue roots, and will certainly eventually be grabbed by ICANN?
Just because they have enough money to bribe a few misguided ISPs doesn't mean they are interesting.
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:17+00 by:
On one hand I feel for those people who bought domains from a rogue registrar only to find them usurped by another, more popular one. Still, they did know they were taking a risk, that those domains would never be mainstreamed. Oh well.
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:17+00 by:
>Still, they did know they were taking a risk
That's a ver big assumption. Go to new.net and see if you feel that they are adequately explaining that there even is a risk, much less how huge the risk might be.
It's funny to hear people saying "but there's no problem because ICANN isn't using those TLDs" when, in fact, previous rogue roots have already claimed most if not all of the TLDs that new.net has somehow decided are theirs.
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:17+00 by:
But let's be a *touch* less pejorative than "rogue", might we? As long as a registry isn't misleading potential customers about exactly what they're getting, I have no problem with them, in either theory or practice.
ICANN is doing it's level-headed best to make itself... what's that big grey thing with the trunk and the tusks? Oh yeah: irrelevant.
And with some help from NetSol, they may yet succeed.
I've had a couple machines on the VRX/ORSC roots for several weeks now. If anything, resolution is faster; I'm planning to move all my client firewall/resolvers to them in another couple weeks, if all goes well.
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:17+00 by:
Oh, and one other bit of pedantry:
...rogue roots have already claimed most if not all of the TLDs that new.net has somehow decided are theirs.
The alternative *roots* haven't decided any such thing. In most cases, they merely point to TLD servers for *some other organization* that has decided to operate a zone. The "rogue roots" haven't, and don't, claim anything other than that there's some zone file out there somewhere for a zone.