John Muir Trail, TN style
2001-04-22 01:57:44+00 by topspin 2 comments
Today is John Muir's Birthday, a fact I didn't know until I searched for that link. Serendipity lives and life is good! I hiked a 4-5mi piece [from the Powerhouse to Coker Creek] and back out of the 18+mi Hiwassee River portion of Muir's famous 1000mi walk.
Multiple wildflowers, a coupla good sized black rat snakes, numerous lizards, frogs, and views of the Hiwassee River that prompted Muir to write:
All the larger streams of uncultivated countries are mysteriously charming and beautiful, whether flowing in mountains or through swamps and plains. Their channels are interestingly sculptured, far more so than the grandest architectural works of man. The finest of the forests are usually found along their banks, and in the multitude of falls and rapids the wilderness finds a voice. Such a river is the Hiwassee, with its surface broken to a thousand sparkling gems, and its forest walls vine-draped and flowery as Eden. And how fine the songs it sings!
from A 1000 Mile Walk to the Gulf
I wish I had pics, but I'm "non-digital" so those will have to wait.