More S100 Fun (and some white water)
2001-05-07 16:16:32+00 by ebradway 2 comments

2001-05-07 16:16:32+00 by ebradway 2 comments
[ related topics: Photography ]
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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:39+00 by: Dan Lyke
Some of those carnival shots are just itching for an trailing edge fill-flash to give a little boost to the image at the end of the action. And I like that shot of you jumping for the disk, although I question the sanity of anyone who'd hang out at that angle to trip the trigger unless that was really carefully posed.
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:39+00 by: ebradway
Unfortunately, Derek took the shots at too steep an angle. I was hoping to get the Smokys in the background. If you look at the picture of Derek's daughter on the stump, you can sort of tell that there is a slight drop-off. I was jumping off the drop-off and Derek was a little ways up the hill. The other day at Ultimate pickup at Rossville Middle School, I was trying to talk the guys into dragging a big 4-ft think gymnastics mat along side my car and parking a pickup on the other side. The idea was to snap pictures of us going 'ho' for the disc across the top of my Porsche.