Susie Bright
2001-05-17 00:05:41+00 by
Dan Lyke
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Books Sexual Culture
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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:42+00 by:
I'm curious to know where you think the most recent BAE's have gone astray, Dan, and not because I'm preparing to disagree with you, but because I want to compare notes. (And I promise not to be thin-skinned just because I have a story in the most recent one.)
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:42+00 by:
Dan Lyke
I don't think I can codify it too closely except that I've just found that the recent ones have migrated to bookshelves far from my bedroom. In BAE 2000 I found a couple that squicked me 'cause of their death themes, in BAE 2001 I found that character development just wasn't terribly strong.
(Even though we don't share that particular kink, I did like the twist in yours...)
I think part of it is something that Mary Anne Mohanraj said in her journal when she was talking about editing Aqua Erotica
, about trying to appeal to a mix of tastes. Perhaps the mix has grown to the point where from finding 2 or 3 in a compendium to finding one every other or so.
I'm kind of over the "mix of tastes", I'd rather editors pick a focus so I'd like more in a book.