Moulin Rouge
2001-06-28 05:20:18+00 by ebradway 1 comments
I just caught Moulin Rouge. It was quite good although sometimes difficult to watch - almost stomach turning. I've never associated bloomers with roller coaster rides before...
2001-06-28 05:20:18+00 by ebradway 1 comments
I just caught Moulin Rouge. It was quite good although sometimes difficult to watch - almost stomach turning. I've never associated bloomers with roller coaster rides before...
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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:32:25+00 by: Dan Lyke
Saw it last night. Completely agree with the roller coaster thing.
It was a genre we haven't seen in quite a while, a production musical. Sort of Singing in the Rain updated for Sesame Street / MTV editing sensibilities.
While I was entertained, and think that the visual effects crew deserves a whole lot of recognition, I'm not sure it's a movie I need to see twice. I do think that there's a lot in there for film buffs to learn about how audiences have changed stylistically. 20 years ago I doubt you could have founda theatre-full of people who could've kept up with that.