Back from Burning Man
2001-09-02 16:16:28+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
Ow. Wow. Whoah. I'm back from Burning Man. Spending today unpacking, cleaning Todd's truck (Alas, having Patricia tow the trailor fell through). We're going to have to drag Todd to a kickin' decompression party once we get the pictures back. Personal victories and accomplishments:
- Hearing "Oh yeah, I saw your piece like this last year out near the trash fence,
and it was one of the first things I told people about when I was describing
Burning Man
to people who didn't come", especially since that piece got destroyed in a storm on Wednesday last year.
- Being in costume, walking past two guys dressed in very
street clothes with cameras, taking pictures of a naked woman who was posing for them, and having them turn away from her to take a picture of me. Woohoo! Upstaged a naked chick!