More broadband musings
2001-12-03 16:46:37+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
I'm writing this from work. My home net access is still gone, AT&T is saying "10 days", which I'm taking to mean "next Monday". But I thought about this a little bit more. AT&T apparently has roughly 1 million subscribers. After ramping up for the .com boom, they've probably got gigaparsecs of dark fiber. @Home was getting $20/month/user. AT&T was offering $307M @Home, 15 months of fees. Now AT&T gets to switch all of those customers over to its own network, which is currently under-utilized, and it gets to use @Home as a scapegoat for the outages during the switchover, and the cost is "2 days of service for every day of outage", so roughly "no revenue realized for December", about $35M.
Boy I'd like to hear the bondholder's side of the story, it's gotta be... well... something.