Windows travails
2002-01-02 19:39:27+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Todd has reported some Windows XP stability issues (If I remember right, new Sony hardware, Windows XP factory installed, Windows XP
goes boom!), but as part of the whole Xmas break I ended up doing a fresh install of 98
and some tweaking of ME
and another 98
install. All that crap about Windows
being easier to install and upgrade Linux? Unmitigated bullshit. The only difficulty differences I can see between a stock Debian install and a 98
install is that you have to make lots of application installation decisions with Debian
for applications that are completely separate in '98, and there's a good chance that 2.4 kernel drivers might actually work without tens of reboots and lots of tweaking. Oh sure, the 98
install seemed like it was going to be trouble-free, but then I tried to add a sound card to that machine... Sigh.
At least there's credible evidence that Windows XP might be gay (scroll down a page), which would make it much easier to get along with...