Moron of The Month
2002-01-09 19:58:18+00 by
I find this this especially funny since I got into a similar argument with a spammer circa 1997 when I was foolish enough to think I could educate pond scum. It's a little bit of reading but it's the best laught I have had this year! The insults from Matt Hiltner are worth the read alone. I just had to pinch this link from my buddy Cam because it's too good not to share.
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Cameron Barrett Humor Spam moron
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#Comment made: 2002-01-09 22:03:51+00 by:
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someone needs to give him a twinkie... like several thousand boxes.
Well.. I tried to find several neat definitions of "twink" where my usage of twinkie came from.. but I couldn't. [update: I found!!! How could I have been so STOOOPID?!]
My usage of it comes from the RPG world on online gaming (i.e. muds. ex: Sojourn). It holds very negative connotations (read as "mega-dork").