Headline OTD
2002-02-24 22:13:40+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Headline of the day: Saudis say they don't grow terrorists. "Honest, officer, I don't know what those plants were doing in my yard. I thought the buds were pretty, but I had no idea..."
2002-02-24 22:13:40+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Headline of the day: Saudis say they don't grow terrorists. "Honest, officer, I don't know what those plants were doing in my yard. I thought the buds were pretty, but I had no idea..."
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#Comment made: 2002-02-25 04:28:22+00 by: meuon
Officially they don't.. And officially I don't believe them.
There is NO WAY we can win this pissing match, it may not be "Global Thermonuclear War" ala War Games (the movie), but the escalation scenerio is the same and at the core, the values and methods of a mostly judeo-christian society (USA) is incompatible with the islamic/muslim values and methods of the Middle East.