Cat Pictures
2002-03-07 15:55:55+00 by
Dan Lyke
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#Comment made: 2002-03-07 18:07:24+00 by:
Dan Lyke
#Comment made: 2002-03-07 19:18:04+00 by:
#Comment made: 2002-03-07 22:22:58+00 by:
My friend Mike has an entire website devoted to his cat
I don't think I have any pictures of cats on my website...
#Comment made: 2002-03-07 22:29:01+00 by:
Diane Reese
I don't like cats. I don't have any pictures of them on my weblog. I do, however, have pictures of my pet rats.
#Comment made: 2002-03-08 01:17:30+00 by:
I must admit that I too have a
Cat Picture or two.
#Comment made: 2002-03-08 01:24:50+00 by:
#Comment made: 2002-03-08 13:26:34+00 by:
My site hasn't been updated since before I got a scanner, so no cat pictures, but plenty of text at http://
#Comment made: 2002-03-08 14:23:38+00 by:
Mike Gunderloy
[edit history]
Neither one is actually on my weblog pages, but there are plenty of cats on my site. Along with dogs, horses, sheep, llamas...
#Comment made: 2002-03-11 06:27:15+00 by:
brian sobolak
IIRC Dvorak wasn't just against cat pictures on web pages, he also criticized webloggers as often being too amateur.
Well hopefully this is the answer to his dreams: a page dedicated to bloggers who own cats.
My cat is on her way to that page....
#Comment Re: made: 2006-05-17 14:05:22.190264+00 by:
[edit history]

To refresh an old thread, a good friend is making a more serious effort at running his cat for President in 2008. The site was originally developed for the 2000 election and rehashed in 2004. Ironically, the same friend had sent me a link yesterday about John Dvorak on the evil of Blackberries. After he praised Dvorak ("I forgot how cool John Dvorak is."), I mentioned how Dvorak lambasted pictures of cats on websites...
Wanting to give some background info, I Googled for "Dvorak pictures of cats" and found this thread on Flutterby as the top hit! Talk about limited degrees of separation.
I also found out that O'Reilly took Dvorak's comments to task on the cover of their Blogging tome! And I've added one to the fray (on the right)