CF to IDE adaptor
2002-06-11 15:44:54+00 by
Dan Lyke
I've got an old laptop that won't recognize more than 8 meg of RAM. I've been thinking about ways to use it as, say, an Ogg Vorbis player. But even the gentle whirring of a hard drive is annoying. Luckily, there's a Compact Flash to SFF IDE adapter.
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#Comment made: 2002-06-11 22:22:40+00 by:
Some people just don't know when to throw away that old nasty hardware.
#Comment made: 2002-06-11 23:55:31+00 by:
[edit history]
I also remember, maybe it was on /., that someone either hacked this or made a version that worked on the Apple II.
Ok, I searched google and the AppleII site is here