Iron Port
2002-06-27 16:37:03+00 by TC 4 comments
2002-06-27 16:37:03+00 by TC 4 comments
[ related topics: Spam Software Engineering Monty Python ]
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment made: 2002-06-27 18:41:53+00 by: TC
via /. the people at Clueless Mailers have made a map of spam. very cool and disturbing. Do you know who your MX is talking to? humm?
#Comment made: 2002-06-27 22:21:14+00 by: meuon
So then they fake mail from people on white lists...
#Comment made: 2002-07-01 02:56:20+00 by: Prentiss Riddle
I don't get it. I'm just an individual user. Do I need to pay Iron Port protection money for the privilege of not having my e-mail destroyed en route? Or does my ISP pay them, which means I end up footing the bill anyway? What happens when another customer at my ISP sends spam without my knowledge or approval?
#Comment made: 2002-07-01 13:18:12+00 by: Prentiss Riddle
I don't get it. I'm just an individual user. Do I need to pay Iron Port protection money for the privilege of not having my e-mail destroyed en route? Or does my ISP pay them, which means I end up footing the bill anyway? What happens when another customer at my ISP sends spam without my knowledge or approval?