Fakir Musafar
2002-08-18 14:09:25+00 by
Dan Lyke
Went into the city yesterday to chat with Diane (the reason for the ferry ride mentioned below), she and
Charlie were going to meet Fakir Musafar
at a book signing at Stormy Leather. Had a great chat with Diane and
Charlie. Need to hang out with them more. Fakir Musafar
marvelously understated, fun to chat with, and despite the fact that
some of his stuff is on the edge of squickyniss for me I bought his
book and had it signed.
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#Comment made: 2002-08-19 16:47:56+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Diane considers getting a piercing from Fakir Musafar. If anyone ever made me feel comfortable with the idea of getting a piercing, it was him.
#Comment made: 2002-09-10 03:57:14+00 by:
Most of it is past squickyniss for me, but morbid curiosity made me go way past the line looking at his stuff. Still, if you are going to get it done, go to the master.
#Comment made: 2002-09-10 04:13:40+00 by:
Diane Reese
meuon: That's the plan. I'm on the schedule for Sunday 9/15, just awaiting a definite time. (Dan? I'm crossing my fingers for your attendance and documentary photographic skills. But I've lost your phone numbers! :-)