short story licensing?
2002-10-02 19:18:15+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
At Burning Man this year, every morning at 11:00 Town Crier read a short story on the Firetown radio station. Charlene and I enjoyed this, so we've started reading short stories out-loud, and it occurred to me that not only should I be recording these for broadcast at Burning Man(where everyone's playing fast and loose with intellectual property for the week anyway but because it's so non-commercial and because I always come back looking for ways to support the artists I've discovered I'm not as concerned about such issues), but it'd be cool to be able to exchange these things, to put on the headphones during commute or whenever. I know short stories aren't terribly profitable, probably mainly a labor of love, but does anyone out there with small publishing experience have suggestions on how to share audio files of read stories with only those who've purchased the stories in dead-trees form themselves, or otherwise offer the authors and publishers recompense?