Auerbach kicked off ICANN
2002-10-29 00:44:51+00 by
Dan Lyke
I've had complaints that Flutterby is getting way too techy of late, so I apologize in advance to Tyler for this. /. had a link to a report on Karl Auerbach getting booted off of the ICANN board. Karl seems to have been the only ICANN director who actually gave a damn about ICANN
being an open and honest organization, so this is a great loss.
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#Comment made: 2002-10-29 10:27:17+00 by:
A lot of us are un-ashamed techies, sorry Tyler. Karl Auerbach enjoyed being a martyr and pushing peoples buttons. Unfortunately they eliminated the public chairs and not just him. ICANN and ARIN are being pushed and pulled apart by large money commercial interests and completely unrealistic government pressures.