2002-11-04 18:43:48+00 by TC 2 comments
In the spirit of evil clown making you can create your own stereotype
2002-11-04 18:43:48+00 by TC 2 comments
In the spirit of evil clown making you can create your own stereotype
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment made: 2002-11-04 19:36:31+00 by: Dan Lyke
I'd seen this a few other places and was debating the link, mainly because I was debating what to say about it. What I find interesting is that despite my thinking that face shape has a lot to do with how I think about race, I find that it's the upper image rather than the lower one that has the identifying characteristics.
#Comment made: 2002-11-05 18:12:05+00 by: Shawn
It's cool. But I'm not sure i get the "stereotype" connection. (And I'd agree with Dan that I construct more from the upper portions of a person's face.)