More signage
2002-12-11 17:34:32+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Some more Hong Kong signage examples, to follow up on those instructions for using the tap. The pedestrian crossings that aren't on bridges over the roads all have instructions on the street about where to expect traffic from.
I thought I had a handle on the "exit" glyph (and knew what the two characters that sometimes occur after it mean, the one for "mouth" because I recognize it, the one for "stream" by elimination), until I saw this one at the Hong Kong airport. It was early in the morning, so it took me a few moments to realize that I wasn't seeing yet another character there.
Speaking of pedestrian crossings, there isn't much attention paid to handicapped accessibility, for instance the wheelchair entrance to the MTR involves a treaded platform vehicle which an attendant drives up the stairs (which I didn't get a picture of), but the overhead walks all have long looping ramps. Sometimes the extra distance over just having stairs is annoying.