A few pix
2002-12-30 18:08:11+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Yesterday's hike was up Cataract Creek. We couldn't get further than the falls because the creek was too high to safely cross, but Phil and Dave brought cameras and spent a while waiting for the perfect light, so it was a nice morning out. It was great to have the sunny day in amongst all the storms, we're supposed to get another one coming in today, and we're thinking it'd be cool to do the SF Vampire Tour on New Year's Eve, but I'm guessing that'll get rained out. The night before I'd been helping my neighbor set up some drainage, and got caught in the face by a rose bush (warning, graphic).
This morning as I walked past the California Street cable car turnaround they were replacing a grip. It's amazing how 19th century those things still are.