Microsoft screwed Sendo
2003-01-06 18:29:47+00 by
Dan Lyke
Andrew Orlowski profiles Microsoft's takedown of Sendo. Short version: Sendo
bases product on Microsoft
promised ship date, and makes partnership announcement with $12M cash infusion from Microsoft
. Microsoft
gets Sendo
technical details from this deal, slips ship date, without promised ship Sendo
has no product:
"Under the SDMA, in the event of a Sendo bankruptcy, Microsoft
would obtain an irrevocable, royalty free license to use Sendo's
Z100 intellectual property, including rights to make, use, or
copy the Sendo Smartphone to create other to create other
Smartphones and to, most importantly for Microsoft, sublicense
those rights to third parties."
gets Sendo
technology at firesale prices.
[ related topics:
Microsoft Law
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment made: 2003-01-06 18:57:34+00 by:
Business as usual for Micro$oft.
#Comment made: 2003-01-06 19:53:51+00 by:
In a side comment of weird proportions.. Orange was the owner of
the E-Commerce company that put some of the final nails in Qdebit's coffin.
In the US they own TV stations, a few small banks and some techno firms.
#Comment made: 2003-01-06 20:03:58+00 by:
Jerry Kindall
Wow, I can't believe Sendo was dumb enough to sign that deal. A contract that relies on
Microsoft to deliver a component critical to my business plan, then gives them all my
assets if I go out of business? Doesn't take a genius to see the downside of that. Given
Microsoft's historical problems in meeting delivery dates, Microsoft wouldn't even need to
set out to intentionally screw you over, it could just sorta happen.
That said, if Microsoft acted in bad faith, the contract may be null and void, as contract
law requires that both parties act in good faith. But bad faith is going to be difficult to
#Comment made: 2003-01-07 13:14:00+00 by:
Ahhhh, reminds me of the Simpson's episode when Homer got "bought out" by M$...companies could learn a lot from Groening
#Comment made: 2003-02-20 02:37:25+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Interesting follow-up looking at the grounds of Microsoft's counter suit and the employment status of Microsoft's person on the Sendo board.