video under Linux
2003-01-23 05:20:46+00 by
Dan Lyke
Phil has taken up SCCA autocross. We mounted a camera between the seats of his car, and I'm playing a bit with video again. Linux Video Editing is a good place to start, his Cinelerra Tutorial has made a couple of things about my Cinelerra experience much more reasonable, and while his compile of the DVUtils package didn't work for me, the dv2dv
utility worked perfectly to convert my dvgrab
acquired AVI to a Cinelerra
compatible MOV.
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comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment made: 2003-01-23 23:09:49+00 by:
First time round, I read that as 'SCA autocross'... the mind boggled...
#Comment made: 2003-01-23 23:42:42+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Ooohhh. Big parking lot. Lots of cones. Drive through as fast as possible, avoiding getting your windows smashed by guys in armor carrying broadswords. Pit crew is peasants in tunics.
This is going all sorts of good places.
#Comment made: 2003-01-24 05:00:18+00 by:
How 'bout time trials in a horse and buggy?