Haifa blast
2003-03-05 18:28:04.726085+00 by
Dan Lyke
So the name's been elided 'cause with the situation going tenser this person would probably shy away from public attention and I haven't explicitly asked for permission to talk about this recently, but yesterday a couple of us get a response to a "ping" email saying basically "I'm fine, I'm in Haifa which should be fairly safe 'cause nothing's going on here". This morning SF Gate reports "15+ killed in Haifa blast". Said person in Haifa is a little more cool-headed about such things than us Northern California yuppies, but the (with apologies to Warren Zevon) "what combination of lawyers, guns or money do you need?" emails went out this morning. I expect to get a "no worries" email back soon, but here in my plush existence I worry.
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#Comment made: 2003-03-05 19:07:56.124955+00 by:
Well, if they're the "Haifa-lootin', routine Teuton, son-of-a-gun from Tara's owner; big-time cow-pie Joe", then they have nothing to worry about at all, but I understand what you mean.
As far as I'm concerned, everyone on the planet who thinks "I don't care if I die, as long as I take some of them out" is the first group up against the wall, and I don't see the need to wait for the revolution... the problem is finding them.
Best thoughts to your friend...
#Comment made: 2003-03-05 19:45:24.010127+00 by:
Dan Lyke
As far as the "I don't care if I die" attitude, I've wondered how far that attitude goes. Could, for instance, the recently captured Khalid Shaikh Mohammed have decided "we need to take the heat off Pakistan and feed some misleading information to the CIA"?
And we need more Spider Robinson.
#Comment made: 2003-03-07 04:40:26.652478+00 by:
proving that the *real* science fiction fan stood up. ;-)