Canon RAW files in Linux
2003-03-11 18:44:50.323895+00 by
Dan Lyke
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#Comment made: 2003-03-11 23:51:24.120514+00 by:
My Sony has an option to store as an uncompressed TIFF.. Uses up LOTS of memory stick space compared to a jpeg, but the images are beautiful.
#Comment made: 2003-03-12 00:03:28.657037+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Does that give you 16 bit per channel TIFFs? That'd be nice because there's no conversion necessary. And conversion can be compute heavy and take a while.
One of the advantages of the raw files is that because the color interpolation hasn't happened yet they have a small, usually 12 bit, per pixel size, so they can be a lot smaller than a TIFF for the same application. Theoretically, the conversion (the Canon
calls it "developing") takes a lot of CPU, too, so the less JPEG conversion that happens the longer the battery will last.
#Comment made: 2003-03-12 00:27:11.784386+00 by:
I'll go take a TIFF of something interesting.. and post it so you can examine it.. I wonder who I can get to pose.. and how :)