2003-03-14 17:52:56.179783+00 by
Dan Lyke
While I've been stonewalling Todd on an easy install, on the bus this morning I made a first pass at a Wiki
for the Flutterby CMS
. If you use the underscore quoting thing in a message, it'll link to a big knowledgebase that you'll be asked to fill in. There are some gross bugs right now, but I'm at work and can't fix 'em til I get home, so deal with the ugliness.
[ related topics:
Content Management Flutterby Meta Todd Gemmell
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#Comment made: 2003-03-14 22:43:30.400611+00 by:
Well I guess I better get to mucking with Flutterby CMS and see what I can break. I would encourage all of you in the community to think about a wish list of features,design and anoyances. Dan Christmas present last year was the Flutterby dot Net domain which I think he's planning on using for catching bugs(puns are enless here) or generally as a CMS development site. I think maybe he has other plans....anyhow input into the process is good