Punishment Link
2003-04-01 00:45:29.562472+00 by
K, postings have been down so you know what that means. yep punishment link
time again. Don't follow this link if you are afraid of punks,hamsters,teddy bears,vikings, the words "gay" or "bar" and certainly not if you lack a sense of humour.
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Humor Sexual Culture punishment link
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#Comment made: 2003-04-01 01:04:36.147312+00 by:
John Anderson
Boy, and people were saying Dan has a dry sense of humor... 8^)=
#Comment made: 2003-04-01 02:03:28.537676+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Whoops! Todd, you've gotta punish us with the link. Although I'd guess it's this one: http://www.rathergood.com/gaybar/
#Comment made: 2003-04-01 03:38:31.935433+00 by:
John Anderson
Maybe it's just me, but that wasn't that
bad. I sort of liked the way they grew shoulder-mount rotors to fly up in the clouds like that. 8^)=
Nope, thinking about it some more, I don't feel punished at all... <taunt/>
#Comment made: 2003-04-01 04:18:30.597984+00 by:
You want punishment? This is punishment. Warning! Extremely squick inducing!
#Comment made: 2003-04-01 07:08:47.862952+00 by:
John Anderson
Well, I don't see any image on that page, but the description didn't make me squick. (I'm a biologist; I have a fairly high tolerence for medical-ish squicking.)
Now, if you want nasty, check this out -- but not near a mealtime, unless you've got a rather strong stomach. That was on the other side of the squick line for me.
#Comment made: 2003-04-01 19:41:36.88529+00 by:
Todd, I have to tell you, this one didn't work as a punishment link - I know my sense of humor is bizarre, but I laughed from start to finish.
Sometimes, in my more cynical moods, I think bizarre Flash movies (
Homestar Runner,
Dan Chambers' stuff, et al) are one of the only visual art forms that aren't stagnant.
#Comment made: 2003-04-01 21:35:26.373577+00 by:
[edit history]
John, I don't think you scrolled down far enough--the picture is at the bottom of the page. My training is also in biology, and I have a taste for the macabre, but that picture squicked me.
However, I think your pictures beat mine in the squickiness department.
#Comment made: 2003-04-08 15:02:08.493465+00 by:
Diane Reese
Any idea where one can still find crasch's punishment link? I went to show it to The Tall Guy and it's gone. (Can't say as I'm totally surprised, though. It was pretty painful to look at.)