Crystal Ball
2003-05-01 14:15:58.934771+00 by
A 3d Goggle-less Display in the form of a crystal ball. - Link stolen from Slashdot - It's small, it's $40k..
and it does not have Quake drivers (yet), but its is so very very cool.
pic of whole system, shows scale
[ related topics:
Games Graphics Earthquake
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#Comment made: 2003-05-01 15:57:37.466098+00 by:
That's crazy. Did you notice that it's a SCSI device? It also looks like it doesn't actually do solids. Of course, true 3D would require ridiculous amounts of RAM (this thing only has 3Gbits of RAM)...
#Comment made: 2003-05-01 19:14:18.327766+00 by:
Dan Lyke
768x768x198, looks like it shouldn't be too great a stretch to put Quake
on it 'cause the interface is OpenGL
, although quake probably does a lot of pre-render geometry culling that'd cause issues in a true 3d display.
But it reminds me a lot of something Texas Instruments
had running back in the 1980s...