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Random babblings

2003-05-04 00:20:31.23161+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments

Aaargh. It's one of those days, so here are some non-sequiters to tell you where part of my train of thought is chugging.

SCO takes strategy from the Bush administration, as Group Chief Executive Darl McBride says SCO code shows up in the Linux kernel, but he won't say where. In other news, the former Iraqi information minister (and we love the Iraqi Information Minister) Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf has been offered a job on Dubai's al-Arabiya satellite channel. I smell a bidding war, as that's about the only thing that'd get me to watch CNN.

By this time you've all seen the quote from Dubya praising him in an interview with Tom Brokaw: "He's my man, he was great. Somebody accused us of hiring him and putting him there. He was a classic."

And while I'm rambling on unconnected topics, y'all know that the TSA is cutting 6,000 airport security screener jobs this year. So apparently then the panic is over, and we can start pushing our congressweasels to repeal the Patriot Act[Wiki]?

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comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment made: 2003-05-04 19:51:26.107204+00 by: ebradway

"The Linux community would have me publish it now, (so they can have it) laundered by the time we can get to a court hearing. That's not the way we're going to go."

In otherwords, they are just looking for a big legal settlement - not an actual correction of the problem. Not that they are suing IBM and not Linus Torvalds or even Red Hat.

And I've heard this one before:

"When they (IBM) started utilizing the same engineers that worked on the Unix System V source code and the ultimate derivative of it in the form of AIX, they have effectively been applying our methods and concepts, even if there isn't a single explicit line of code" that shows up in Linux."

Does that means carpenters who use hammers on one job can't use hammers on the next because the technique of using a hammer to drive nails in the intellectual proerty of the first contractor? I seem to remember someone threatening to sue me if I wrote code in C after leaving their employment because I had learned C on the job...

#Comment made: 2003-05-05 17:45:40.168666+00 by: Dan Lyke


"The Linux community would have me publish it now, (so they can have it) laundered by the time we can get to a court hearing. That's not the way we're going to go."

Ummmm... Oh yeah, that shows a clear grasp of the technologies involved in source control and mirroring.

#Comment made: 2003-05-05 19:44:45.445761+00 by: Larry Burton

Yeah, I was wondering how the SCO code is going to be laundered off of every Linux CD that has been distrubuted. If this guy had anything he could make it public now and IBM would have no choice but to try to negotiate a settlement.