Giant Microbes
2003-05-22 19:33:09.599314+00 by
Dan Lyke
Via Borklog, GIANTmicrobes are plush, stuffed, cuddly... well... giant microbes. Orthomyoxvirus, Rhinovirus (I bet you could adapt this into a cute cuddly SARS
virus), Shigella, and Streptococcus. Best yet, the whole set is just $20.
I'd get 'em, but Charlene already thinks I'm weird for my plush Cthulhu and the switchblade toting rabbit, Bun Bun from Sluggy Freelance (yes, I know, he's actually some obscure subgenus of rabbit).
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#Comment made: 2003-05-22 20:55:58.876274+00 by:
A friend of mine got his (very) young daughter a three-tentacled plus Cthulhu. It was pretty amusing to see the kiddie sucking on a tentacle. Personally, I want a (T4) Bacteriophage plushie.
#Comment made: 2003-05-23 01:10:25.195376+00 by:
No worse than my stuffed penguins.. or my pride and joy: a stuffed Bill the Cat.
#Comment made: 2003-05-24 07:35:56.64801+00 by:
Bahgwan Bill, oh where have you gone? We hardly knew ye...
I love my plush Bill. But I'm the only one who seems to know/remember who he is :-(